Teacher Resources
Dr. Swope has created and collected a vast repository of instructional resources including hundreds of psychology-related videos and downloadable software.
Get ResourcesHigh School PsychologyThe Creativity Algorithm
Good ideas don't happen randomly. There is a pattern. Learn how to have good ideas more often by reading The Creativity Algorithm.
Social Psychology Novel
In 2010 Joseph Swope's first novel, Need for Magic, was released. It quickly gained traction in the psychology community. And has been used as the basis of a psychology course at the University of Maryland.
AP Review Book
Dr. Swope partnered with Cliff's Notes to create a review book for AP Psychology. It contains the latest changes from College Board.
Video Lessons for New Teachers
Dr. Swope has a complete line of videos where he teaches an AP level course in psychology. Everything and everyone from Adler to Zimbardo are covered in 99 27-minute videos that sometimes pushes boundaries and always makes students think.
Refreezable Finger Splint
Due to Dr. Swope’s epic level of clumsiness, he needed to come up with a way to treat repeated finger injuries that was better than holding a leaky bag of ice. Check out Cold Cast, the refreezable, patented finger splint.
Visit Splint-site